Fun PR Facts and Advice


I thought this would be helpful to us since we are graduating college within the next 12 days! A little article on what companies are looking for when they are looking to hire a PR firm. These may be qualities we could work on ourselves to better prepare us to become exactly what the company is looking for.

Here is a small tidbit of what companies are seeking:

• A creative team that interacts regularly with the public and stays on top of all the latest cultural and industry trends.
• A group of hip strategists that chat on the phone for hours a day; they are everyone’s best friend and take the time to understand new phenomena.

• Most important, an agency that gets them results.

As this article goes on to explain, this is a very old school PR agency model but these are all very good qualities to possess as a PR agency and as an individual looking to work in the PR industry. 

Also an interesting piece of information the PR workforce is mostly made up of female employees! 73% according to this article, but 80% of upper level management is predominately male. But in recent years there has been more emphasis put on developing female executives.

Did you know that the PR industry is a $13 billion dollar industry and has continued to grow at an 8% growth rate.

As we know social media has been a game changer for the PR industry and as for PR agencies if they don’t join with the changing trends they will die. A person looking to work in the PR industry must be open to change and continually keep up with trends and new information to stay afloat in this industry, turn around time should be as quick as possible.

I thought is would be some fun information for us graduates and help to remind us why we went into this field in college and what we have to look forward to.


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